AI-enabled fields & growers data

FieldStat provides per-field growers’ data combined from AI models and public sources
for major ag markets on the whole-country level
FieldStat data layers
Boundaries, crops and growers
combined in one convenient dataset
Field boundaries
Detected by AI model from satellite imagery
Cultivated crops
Detected by AI model from satellite imagery
Grower for each field
Defined based on land parcels acquired via public sources
Covered regions

FieldStat data use cases

  • Ag sales and marketing
    Enrich CRM with growers profiles, plan individual sales activities, target marketing campaigns
  • Sustainability and carbon farming
    Analyze the best fields and growers to implement sustainable practices and capture carbon
  • FMS and digital farming apps
    Ease onboarding by automatically adding fields and farms, improve UX and gain more users
  • Ag marketplaces and online trading
    Plan for outbound marketing, target the offerings
    and easily onboard the growers
  • Ag financing and insurance
    Select target customers, validate the information provided for financing and payoffs
  • Market intelligence
    Gain insights on crop production, inputs demand and
    farm property